Your one stop resource for penis enlargement questions & answers!


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So far Dick Man has created 25 blog entries.
1904, 2016

The Ultimate Stretcher

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I’ve been using the ultimate stretcher device for a few months now and MAN, am I seeing some results! I’ve been using it each and every single day along with ZyGain and things are really starting to take off for me.Как укладывать брусчатку
I’ve been following the instructions and using it on my penis for about eight hours every day. It isn’t really a big deal to use, because it can be worn underneath my regular […]

3003, 2016

Penis pumps get the job done …

By |Penis Enlargement|Comments Off on Penis pumps get the job done …

I’ve been using my penis pump for about a year now, and I have to say that I’m starting to see some real changes to my favorite body part. My penis is noticeably bigger and my self-confidence has skyrocketed!
All in all, it doesn’t really matter what brand of penis pump you own. The real trick behind getting the big penis that you know you deserve is in using it for an extended period of time. […]


1606, 2015

“John” writes in on his experience with Phalogenics traction …

By |Life With a Large Penis, Penis Enlargement|Comments Off on “John” writes in on his experience with Phalogenics traction …

Size does matter! Does it really? This is a statement that is always making rounds in the changing or locker rooms. It is also talked about quite often over the internet. I mean, this is probably why men are always trying to look at the other mans penis in a urinal.
Like many other men, the statement of “does size matter” used to bother me. I was insecure. Forget that my girlfriend used to console me stating that “it was […]

904, 2015

What is life like with a BIG penis?

By |Natural Penis Englargment|1 Comment

With all the money in the world, a flashy cars, a big houses and absolutely stunning designer suits – this all count for nothing if you have a a small penis hiding in those pants when it comes to woman! A man with a huge dick is on the same level as you!  Check out a recent article by gawker about life with a small penis! Not something you want!
Of course, there are those women who will […]

904, 2015

Do woman really care about a bigger penis?

By |Penis Size, Through a Woman's Eyes|Comments Off on Do woman really care about a bigger penis?

To answer the question, I had to find out what women think about a big penis. This is a common question and even AskMen has written about it. That’s why I asked about it on a popular women’s forum; “is penis size important to your partner?” These are some of the responses we received:Как выбрать цемент
I have a friend who has just admitted that her fiancé has a big cock. She said that “after some wine we got out the ruler […]

904, 2015

Some penis facts … Do I need a bigger penis? What is a big penis?

By |Natural Penis Englargment|Comments Off on Some penis facts … Do I need a bigger penis? What is a big penis?

Whether a man admits it or not, the size of his member really does matter. The length and girth of a penis has a huge effect on a man’s sexual life, confidence, and much more. However very few men actually understand what their measurements should be. There are so many myths, stereotypes, and misinformation on this subject out there, that many men have horrible insecurities about their penis size when, in fact, they may have […]

904, 2015

What to look for with penis enlargement programs …

By |Penis Englagment Products|Comments Off on What to look for with penis enlargement programs …

They say that nature gives with one hand and takes away with the other. Many men have brains that help them land big jobs, discover amazing things or start their own companies and make fortunes. However, these amazing brains tend to come bundled with less than satisfactory penises. In fact, a lot of men have to cope with this type of trade off and are forced to face life with small penises that are bound […]

904, 2015

Get the REAL facts on Penis Enlargement …

By |Penis Englagment Products|Comments Off on Get the REAL facts on Penis Enlargement …

Many men pay attention to the length of their penis. Many never imagine the girth of the penis when one is considering penis enlargement. The size of the penis can make some men feel insecure and less of a man, as size indeed plays a big role in a manís life. Despite this, many women want the girth of the penis aside from its length.Лев
The size of a manís penis plays a major role for […]

904, 2015

The horror of penis enlargement surgery!

By |Penis Englagment Products|Comments Off on The horror of penis enlargement surgery!

Surgery is one of the most controversial approaches to penis enlargement. While it does come with the coveted ìmainstreamî label, it is by far the most expensive option. Many people think that surgery is less hassle and the bringer of instant results. They should think again. First and foremost, men who have willingly chosen the knife to improve their lives also have to go through a period of exercises designed to help the penis recover. […]

904, 2015

Why would I want to enlarge my penis?

By |Penis Englagment Products|Comments Off on Why would I want to enlarge my penis?

Men are you experience a desire for penis enlargement, yet think others will think you are homosexual. <a href=”https://www” >Penis enlargement gives sense of power not only with sex, but also with the fact that it sounds disingenuous.

Penis enlargement will give you feeling of strength, power, vitality, manhood.

Penis size bound up with our view of sexual attractiveness and sexual competence. Our view of manliness is serious and although men know that penis size is […]